4th Latin-American Solid Waste Engineering Symposium and Solid Waste Experts National Meeting

Municipal Solid Waste

5–7 October 2011

Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Event Details: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) is pleased to announce that it will be attending and presenting at the 4th Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos y Encuentro Nacional de Expertos en Residuos Sólidos. The conference will be held in Mexico City, Mexico, on 5-7th October, 2011. Representatives of EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program will be presenting information about GMI, landfill gas energy projects in Mexico, and landfill gas modeling. The conference will be held in Spanish. Conference fees for attendance are listed on this website Exiting GMI.

For More Information: For more information and registration, please contact: Lic. Blanca R. Moreno Jurado (bmorenoj@correo.uam.mx), (+ 55) 5483 4000 ext. 1906, or the Conference Website Exiting GMI.

Industry Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

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