Norway joined the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) in 2011.
Norway has an extensive national climate framework that addresses methane across the waste, agriculture, transportation, and energy sectors. These measures include government support for research on the health impact of methane and other greenhouse gas emissions, government funding of international initiatives to reduce methane emissions, and specific policies to improve methane abatement and achieve Norway’s ambitious climate goals.
Last Updated: October 2024
According to the Norwegian National Inventory Report (NIR), published in April 2022, methane emissions accounted for about 9.6% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2020, amounting to 188 ktonnes. The majority of these emissions originated from the agriculture sector (55%), the waste sector (18%), and the oil and gas sector (10%).
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas, 2020
Trend in Methane Emissions by Source, 1990-2020
Source: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2020: National Inventory Report, Norwegian Environment Agency, April 2022.
Percentage of Methane Emissions by Sub-category, 2020
Source: Source: Norway’s Eighth National Communication. Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.
Methane mitigation efforts in Norway are guided by national and international commitments and plans.
Norway has a national plan and long-term multi-sectoral strategies to achieve methane emissions reductions.
Norway participates in numerous collaborative international efforts to implement climate action across the world.
The following highlights a sampling of actions taken by Norway to address methane, organized by GMI sector.
Explore the following websites to learn more about the government ministries addressing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change in Finland.