Project Network Members

Srinivas Waste Management Services Private Limited

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Partner Profile

Type of Organization: Private Sector
Description of Services:

Srinivas Waste Management Services Private Limited set up the first BioCNG plant in Tamil Nadu based on municipal solid waste (MSW) in PPP mode with Greater Chennai Corporation. This plant handles 100 tonnes of municipal solid organic waste along with cow dung as feedstock. The gas generated is further purified to BIS16087 standards and supplied to cooking and automobile applications. This flagship project addresses Efficient Solid Waste Management system for organic waste, fossil fuel energy dependency reduction in the city, and promotion of a circular economy.

Sector(s) of Interest: Agriculture; MSW; Biogas
Area(s) of Geographic Interest: Partnership-wide; Asia; India
Web Site:
Contacts: N, Nagendran
Phone: +91 74 0111 0111