5th Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Network for Biodigesters (RedBioLAC)


14–18 October 2013

Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Event Details: There will be a biogas course at Zamorano University, field visits to biodigesters, and a conference. The main objective of this meeting is to get to know the latest developments in the field of ≥100m3 biodigesters in the region in order to disseminate more and better systems at competitive prices. More information can be found at: www.redbiolac.org. Registration is available at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pFoEeOoL6stnwO6mMgaeT1Kx1wD9fI6Z-L8Pz6tPjjE/viewform

Organized By: Latin American and Caribbean Network for Biodigesters

Contact: Anna Garwood
Email: anna@greenempowerment.org

Website: www.redbiolac.org Exiting GMI

Industry Sector: Agriculture

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