Energy Management Workshop for Upstream and Midstream Operations

Oil and Gas

15–7 January 2007

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Organizer: Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC), CETAC-WEST, Environment Canada, and the U.S. EPA

Event Details: In an era of increasing natural gas demand and sustained high prices, natural gas projects that enhance process efficiency, reduce methane losses and, ultimately, lower costs and add to sales revenues are becoming more attractive. This workshop provided industry and other interested parties with an opportunity to obtain information about cost-effective process optimization and methane emissions reduction technologies and practices. Participants engaged in a peer-based exchange of technical and economic information on practices currently in use today. For more information, see below.

Agenda: View the agenda (PDF, 5 pp, 179 KB)

Presentations – Tuesday, January 16, 2007:
Best of Audits (PDF, 68 pp, 3.1 MB)
John Sames, Sulphur Experts
Energy Benchmarking (PDF, 65 pp, 2.8 MB)
Al Wakelin, Sensor Environmental
The Fuel Gas Challenge (PDF, 28 pp, 1.2 MB)
Al Wakelin, Sensor Environmental and Don Gabruck
Regulatory Aspects - Directive 17 Fuel Gas Requirements (PDF, 10 pp, 87 KB)
Jim Spangelo, EUB
Industry Expectations (PDF, 8 pp, 28 KB)
John Squarek, CAPP
Fuel Gas Practice - A Responsible Fuel Gas Reporting Procedure (PDF, 11 pp, 506 KB)
Don Gabruck
Fuel Gas Minimization - A Plant Wide Strategy (PDF, 3 pp, 126 KB)
Chad Wilson, Talisman Energy
Methane Savings from Natural Gas Compressors (PDF, 29 pp, 2.3 MB)
Jim Cormack, TransCanada
Fire-Tube Immersion Heater Optimization Program & Field Heater Audit Program (PDF, 38 pp, 5.1 MB)
Phil Croteau, Petro-Canada
Energy Audit Assistance - The First Step in Energy Management (PDF, 20 pp, 115 KB)
Bruce Peachey, PTAC/EnergyINet
The Efficiency Resource (PDF, 6 pp, 214 KB)
John Rilett, Climate Change Central
Devon Experience (PDF, 5 pp, 261 KB)
Roger Fernandez, Methane to Markets
Directive 60 - EUB/CAPP Session to Highlight New Requirements (PDF, 52 pp, 247 KB)
Mike Brown, EUB
The Untapped Resource (PDF, 14 pp, 234 KB)
Michael Burke, Natural Resources Canada

Presentations – Wednesday, January 17, 2007:
REMVue Energy Optimization and Slipstream (PDF, 23 pp, 470 KB)
Howard Malm, REM Technology Inc.
SlipstreamTM Technology Industry Impact Assessment - Proposal (PDF, 10 pp, 81 KB)
Eric Lloyd, PTAC
Waste Heat Recovery from Compressor Reciprocating Engines (PDF, 15 pp, 216 KB)
Victor Juchymenko, Great Northern Power Corp.
Request for Proposal (RFP) - Draft Generation of Electric Power from Waste Heat in the Western Canadian Oil and Gas Industry (PDF, 5 pp, 71 KB)
Eric Lloyd, PTAC
Request for Proposal (RFP) Energy Efficiency Technology Database Tool for the Oil and Gas Industry Slipstream (PDF, 10 pp, 92 KB)
Eric Lloyd, PTAC
Improving Operational Efficiency and Eliminating Maintenance with Fixed Orifice Steam Traps (PDF, 19 pp, 521 KB)
Patti Lowe, MEI Resources
BP Canada Energy Company Innovative Methods for Reducing Greenhouse Gas - Low Emissions Wellsite (PDF, 16 pp, 286 KB)
Milos Krnjaja, BP Canada
Gas Recovery - Optical Fugitive Emission Pilot Study (PDF, 17 pp, 661 KB)
Terence Trefiak, ConocoPhillips
D irected Inspection and Maintenance (PDF, 18 pp, 295 KB)
Donald Robinson, ICF Consulting
Methane to Markets Program Canadian Perspective (PDF, 17 pp, 206 KB)
Mike Layer, Environment Canada
Review and Update of Methods Used for Air Emissions Leak Detection and Quantification (PDF, 12 pp, 39 KB)
Ted Hart, Envirotech Engineering
Processor Best Practices (PDF, 25 pp, 293 KB)
Roger Fernandez, Methane to Markets
Efficient Pigging of Gathering Lines (PDF, 16 pp, 239 KB)
Jim Cormack, TransCanada
Acid Gas Re-Injection (PDF, 13 pp, 1.1 MB)
David Moffatt, Spectra Energy Transmission

Industry Sector: Oil and Gas

Event Resources

Devon Experience
(PDF, 267.2 KB, 5pp)
Directed Inspection and Maintenance
(PDF, 301.9 KB, 18pp)
Directive 60 - EUB/CAPP Session to Highlight New Requirements
(PDF, 252.4 KB, 52pp)
Efficient Pigging of Gathering Lines
(PDF, 244.3 KB, 16pp)
Energy Audit Assistance - The First Step in Energy Management
(PDF, 117.7 KB, 20pp)
Energy Benchmarking
(PDF, 2.8 MB, 65pp)
Fire-Tube Immersion Heater Optimization Program & Field Heater Audit Program
(PDF, 5.2 MB, 38pp)
Fuel Gas Practice - A Responsible Fuel Gas Reporting Procedure
(PDF, 517.3 KB, 11pp)
Methane to Markets Program Canadian Perspective
(PDF, 210.2 KB, 17pp)
Acid Gas Re-injection
(PDF, 1.1 MB, 13pp)
Best of Audits
(PDF, 3.2 MB, 68pp)
BP Canada Energy Company Innovative Methods for Reducing Greenhouse Gas - Low Emissions Wellsite
(PDF, 292.1 KB, 16pp)
Gas Recovery - Optical Fugitive Emission Pilot Study
(PDF, 675.9 KB, 17pp)
Improving Operational Efficiency and Eliminating Maintenance with Fixed Orifice Steam Traps
(PDF, 532.8 KB, 19pp)
Industry Expectations
(PDF, 28.5 KB, 8pp)
Methane Savings from Natural Gas Compressors
(PDF, 2.4 MB, 29pp)
Processor Best Practices
(PDF, 300 KB, 25pp)
Regulatory Aspects - Directive 17 Fuel Gas Requirements
(PDF, 88.3 KB, 10pp)
REMVue Energy Optimization and Slipstream
(PDF, 481 KB, 23pp)
Request for Proposal (RFP) - Draft Generation of Electric Power from Waste Heat in the Western Canadian Oil and Gas Industry
(PDF, 72.1 KB, 5pp)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Energy Efficiency Technology Database Tool for the Oil and Gas Industry Slipstream
(PDF, 93.2 KB, 10pp)
Review and Update of Methods Used for Air Emissions Leak Detection and Quantification
(PDF, 39.5 KB, 12pp)
SlipstreamTM Technology Industry Impact Assessment - Proposal
(PDF, 82.1 KB, 10pp)
The Efficiency Resource
(PDF, 218.2 KB, 6pp)
The Fuel Gas Challenge
(PDF, 1.2 MB, 28pp)
The Untapped Resource
(PDF, 239 KB, 14pp)
Waste Heat Recovery from Compressor Reciprocating Engines
(PDF, 220.4 KB, 15pp)


Energy Management Workshop for Upstream and Midstream Operations Agenda
(PDF, 183.2 KB, 5pp)

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