On 23-24 April 2008, SEMARNAT hosted a workshop under the auspices of the Methane to Markets Partnership (M2M). An international line-up of delegates came together for collaborative discussions about agricultural methane capture and use projects worldwide. The workshop explored technical, information, and market barriers and ways to overcome these in order to deliver successful anaerobic digestion (AD) projects through new markets.
This workshop was held in conjunction with the M2M Agriculture Subcommittee meeting on 22 April 2008.
Agenda: View the Workshop Agenda (PDF, 4 pp, 32 KB) | (Agenda del Taller - Español) (PDF, 3 pp, 35 KB)
• Methane to Markets Partnership Overview: Agriculture (PDF, 12 pp, 651 KB)Methane to Markets Agriculture Subcommittee Co-chairs Jorge Hilbert, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), and Jeremy Eppel, United Kingdom Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra)
• Institutional Framework for Emission Reduction and Impetus to Bioenergy (PDF, 11 pp, 392 KB) Available in Spanish only M. em C. Edgar del Villar, Chief of Staff of the Undersecretary of Promotion and Environmental Normativity, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources SEMARNAT)
• The Situation of the Agropecuary Sector in México (PDF, 25 pp, 1 MB) Available in Spanish only Dr. Luis Villamar Angulo, Promotion of Swine, Poultry and Other Species Director, Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA)
• Barrier Identification and Lesson Learned for the use of AD: Argentina (PDF, 51 pp, 6.4 MB) Jorge Hilbert, INTA
• Barrier Identification and Lesson Learned for the use of AD: India (PDF, 7 pp, 18 KB) Anil Dhussa, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, New Delhi
• Barrier Identification and Lesson Learned for the Use of AD: México (PDF, 8 pp, 145 KB) Available in Spanish onlyLic. Luis Alberto López Carvajal, Director General del sector Primario y recursos Naturales renovables, SEMARNAT
• Bioconversion of Pig Wastes to Biogas (PDF, 24 pp, 3.8 MB) Eliseo Paul Taiganides, Biogas Farms Environmental Engineering Advisory Services
• Technology for Anaerobic Biodigestors in Thailand (PDF, 19 pp., 863 KB) Arux Chaiyakul, Department of Livestock Development
• Anaerobic Digestion Across Modular Structures (PDF, 50 pp, 6.6 MB) Available in Spanish only Mark A. Moser, RCM Digesters, USA
• Technology for Biodigestors in Small Farms in Mexico (PDF, 30 pp, 8.7 MB) Available in Spanish only Dr. Gerardo Salazar G., Instituto Nacional de Investigación Forestal y Agropecuarias (INIFAP)
• Anaerobic Digestion and Methane Capture in Industrial Waste Operations (PDF, 22 pp, 1.8 MB) Dennis Shanklin, Environmental Fabrics, Inc.
• Electric and Thermal Uses of Biogas (PDF, 10 pp, 881 KB) Galen Weaver, Martin Machinery, Inc. USA
• Thermal Use of Biogas (PDF, 16 pp, 1.6 MB) Available in Spanish only Alex Eaton, International Renewable Resources Institute (IRRI)
• Options of Financing for Anaerobic Digestion and the Use of Biogas in Mexico (PDF, 23 pp, 336 KB) Available in Spanish onlyDr. Rodrigo Diez de Sollano, Share Risk Trustfund, Fideicomiso de Riesgo Compartido (FIRCO, SAGARPA)
• Funding Options for Biogas Use in Mexico (PDF, 26 pp, 2.1 MB) Available in Spanish only Jose Garcia Mendoza, Energy Saving Trustfund
• Support to Mexico''''''''s M2M Agriculture Program (PDF, 15 pp, 843 KB) Mark Oven, PA Consulting
• Future Activities on Methane from Agricultural Wastes in Mexico (PDF, 7 pp, 146 KB) Ing. Araceli Arredondo Valdès, SEMARNAT