
GMI Steering Committee Meeting

List of Events

Date18 May 2021
Location: Virtual
Industry Sector: Steering
The Global Methane Initiative’s (GMI) Steering Committee met on Wednesday, 18 May 2021. The meeting took place virtually using the Microsoft Teams platform.

The purpose of the Steering Committee meeting was to:
  • Review and adopt the new Terms of Reference 
  • Provide an update on Steering Committee membership, including the “opt-in” process for members
  • Share GMI news and updates.

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
PresentationPresentation from the 15th Steering Committee Meeting
(PDF, 1.8 MB, 23pp)
SummarySummary of the 15th Steering Committee Meeting on 18 May 2021
(PDF, 300.6 KB, 5pp)