
GMI Biogas Subcommittee Webinar Meeting

List of Events

Date19 December 2018
Location: Webinar
Industry Sector: Biogas, Agriculture, Municipal Solid Waste, Wastewater

The co-chairs of the GMI Biogas Subcommittee held a webinar on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 at 2 pm UTC.


  1. Introducing the Global Methane Challenge, an opportunity to promote what you are doing to reduce methane emissions.
  2. Discussion of the Biogas Subcommittee Status:
    • 2018 Accomplishments,
    • Priorities for 2019.
  3. A review of outreach materials and tools that are under development.
  4. A review of upcoming biogas events and a discussion of potential subcommittee in-person meeting options.

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
GMIGMI Biogas Subcommittee Webinar
(PDF, 1.8 MB, 21pp)
GMIGMI Biogas Subcommittee Webinar Outreach Materials
(PDF, 1.9 MB, 17pp)
GMIGMI Biogas Subcommittee Webinar Summary
(PDF, 102.1 KB, 3pp)