
GMI Steering Committee Meeting

List of Events

Date4 November 2015
Location: Teleconference
Industry Sector: Steering
The fourth session of the GMI Steering Committee was convened via teleconference on 4 November 2015. The primary focus of this meeting was to reach consensus on the GMI Futures Task Force recommendations and discuss next steps for rechartering GMI at the March 2016 Global Methane Forum.

Minutes:  Final Meeting Minutes — forthcoming

Associated Documents: 

Meeting Agenda (PDF, 1 pp., 20 KB)

GMI Task Force Recommendations (PDF, 33 pp., 2.2 MB)

Summary of GMI Task Force Recommendations (PDF, 3 pp., 677 KB)

Redlined GMI Terms of Reference (PDF, 6 pp., 132 KB)

GMI Rechartering Timeline (PDF, 1 pp., 73 KB)

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
FinalFinal meeting minutes of the 4th Steering Committee Meeting
(PDF, 237.1 KB, 5pp)
GMIGMI Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (November 2015)
(PDF, 19.7 KB, 1p)