The Oil and Gas Subcommittee meeting will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, TX, USA on the afternoon of 28 October 2013 in conjunction with the Natural Gas STAR Annual Implementation Workshop which will take place 28 – 30 October 2013.
The GMI Administrative Support Group is working with the Subcommittee Co-Chairs to create the meeting agenda but we anticipate talking about:
- Oil & Gas Sector NAMAs—Members will have an opportunity to share their experiences in support of NAMAs;
- Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) —Update on launch of the CCAC Oil and Gas Initiative;
- Review of Oil and Gas Country-Specific Strategies and Activity Update—Member countries will be given an opportunity to provide a brief update on relevant activities in their country; and
- General Discussion of Ongoing Subcommittee Business/Action Items for the Year—Open dialogue on subcommittee goals and possible next steps and areas for subcommittee engagement.
The combined event will bring together GMI Subcommittee and Project Network members, Natural Gas STAR partners (domestic and international), industry experts, researchers and technology vendors to discuss the latest emission reduction technologies and practices. We hope to see you in San Antonio!
Organized By: Global Methane Initiative
Contact: Administrative Support Group
Global Methane Initiative
Tel. +1-202-343-9683, Fax +1-202-343-2202