
WEFTEC Workshop on “Barriers to Biogas Utilization for WWTPs: Using Appropriate Economic Methodologies for Evaluation of Cost-Saving Projects”

List of Events

Date5 October 2013
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Industry Sector: Wastewater
This workshop will educate utility management and staff, their consultants, and any other interested parties about economic methodologies that can and should be used to determine whether a project warrants funding or not. While the context of the workshop will be evaluating investments that turn unused biogas into a renewable resource of value, these methodologies can also be used to evaluate any other potential investments that might reduce future ongoing operation and maintenance costs.

Organized By: Water Environment Federation

Contact: Tel.: +1-877-933-4734
Fax: +1-703-684-2471

Website: http://weftec.org/ Exiting GMI