Resource Image | Resource | | Year |
| Current Situation of Development and Utilization of Coal Mine Methane (CMM) and Potential (PDF, 774.8 KB, 20pp) | | 2013 |
| Designing a CDM Project - Good Engineering Design vs. Good CDM Engineering (PDF, 519 KB, 21pp) | | 2013 |
| Lagoon Cover Anaerobic Digesters. A Cost Effective Solution for Energy Recovery (PDF, 2.5 MB, 50pp) | | 2013 |
| Methane Recovery and Combustion with Renewable Energy Generation from Anaerobic Animal Manure Management Systems under the Land Bank of the Philippines' (LBP) Carbon Finance Support Facility (PDF, 1.3 MB, 14pp) | | 2013 |
| Nutrient Management and Air Emissions Tools for Livestock and Poultry Operations: CLEANEast Project Review (PDF, 2.2 MB, 39pp) | | 2013 |
| Proceedings from GMI Events - 2013 Expo (Canada) (Website) | | 2013 |
| Using a Market-based Mechanism to Overcome Insufficient Government Support for Anaerobic Digesters (PDF, 1.4 MB, 19pp) | | 2013 |
| 2° Steering Committee Meeting (PDF, 934 KB, 13pp) | | 2013 |
| A Municipal Waste Analysis in Mexico's Southeast Region for GHG Reduction (PDF, 1.9 MB, 21pp) | | 2013 |
| A Novel Remote GHG Emission Monitoring System (PDF, 860 KB, 13pp) | | 2013 |
| ADB Biogas Program in Asia (PDF, 1.9 MB, 16pp) | | 2013 |
| Advanced Mobile Technologies for the Identification, Attribution, Quantification, and Visualization of Fugitive Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production (PDF, 3.5 MB, 25pp) | | 2013 |
| An Evaluation of Flare Gas Reduction Opportunities (PDF, 2 MB, 29pp) | | 2013 |
| Application of ORC-process for Landfill Gas CHP-Efficiency Optimization (PDF, 1.3 MB, 18pp) | | 2013 |
| Best Practices for Reduction of Methane Emissions from Arctic Oil and Gas Production (PDF, 2.3 MB, 24pp) | | 2013 |
| Better Waste Management Can Avoid GHG Emissions Significantly (PDF, 812.4 KB, 24pp) | | 2013 |
| Canada’s Support for Methane initiatives (PDF, 208.3 KB, 14pp) | | 2013 |
| Country Update (Poland, 2013) (PDF, 466.8 KB, 13pp) | | 2013 |
| Development of Landfill Gas Technology in Ukraine - Status and Prospects (PDF, 1.8 MB, 21pp) | | 2013 |
| Economic Comparison of a GHG Emission Reduction System at a Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility (PDF, 5.1 MB, 58pp) | | 2013 |
| Ecopetrol, Colombia (PDF, 1.4 MB, 16pp) | | 2013 |
| Evaluation of Casing Gas Recovery Options (PDF, 4.6 MB, 17pp) | | 2013 |
| FINLAND - Long-term climate and energy policy & greenhouse emissions (PDF, 1.3 MB, 24pp) | | 2013 |
| First Results of the On-line Methane Measurement at Viikinmäki WWTP (PDF, 2.7 MB, 27pp) | | 2013 |
| Funding Methane Reduction Projects via Carbon Offset Credit Generation (PDF, 945.7 KB, 17pp) | | 2013 |
| GHG Emissions and Energy Potential by Waste Destination in Brazil (PDF, 2.7 MB, 28pp) | | 2013 |
| Global Methane Initiative: Statement by Mexico (PDF, 372.6 KB, 8pp) | | 2013 |
| Implementing Innovative Pipeline Repair Methods in Ukraine to Avoid Methane Emissions from Venting (PDF, 1.4 MB, 18pp) | | 2013 |
| Japan Climate Monitoring Update (PDF, 5.1 MB, 25pp) | | 2013 |
| Landfill Gas Recovery and Combustion with Renewable Energy Generation from Sanitary Landfill Sites under Land Bank of the Philippines Carbon Finance Support Facility (PDF, 1.3 MB, 13pp) | | 2013 |
| Landfill Gas Utilization - Coquitlam Landfill in Canada (PDF, 950.7 KB, 25pp) | | 2013 |
| Long-Term Experience of VAM Processing (PDF, 4.5 MB, 25pp) | | 2013 |
| Management of Flashing Losses from Condensate Tanks at Compressor Stations (PDF, 719.2 KB, 9pp) | | 2013 |
| Maximizing GHG Reductions at the Vancouver Landfill (PDF, 7 MB, 41pp) | | 2013 |
| Measurement of Emissions from Oil Storage Tank (PDF, 1.4 MB, 18pp) | | 2013 |
| Methane Reduction and Use in the context of Low-emission Policy: Global and Country Dimension (PDF, 379.9 KB, 11pp) | | 2013 |
| Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Latin-America: A Zoom to Mexico with Emphasis in GHG Emissions from Municipal Wastewater Treatment (PDF, 3 MB, 29pp) | | 2013 |
| Novo Gramacho Landfill Gas Biomethane Purification Project in Brazil (PDF, 2.4 MB, 22pp) | | 2013 |
| PEMEX, Mexico (PDF, 299 KB, 5pp) | | 2013 |
| Policies and Programs to Address Fugitive Emissions from Coal Mining in Australia (PDF, 656.1 KB, 10pp) | | 2013 |
| Profitable Use of Vented Emissions in Gas and Oil Production (PDF, 1 MB, 22pp) | | 2013 |
| PTT, Thailand (PDF, 556.1 KB, 4pp) | | 2013 |
| Reducing Black Carbon Emissions from Open Burning: A Co-Benefit of Landfill Methane Recovery (PDF, 5 MB, 24pp) | | 2013 |
| Semi-formal Recycling as a Viable Option for Methane Abatement in Developing Countries (PDF, 608.9 KB, 30pp) | | 2013 |
| STAR Energy, Indonesia (PDF, 2.2 MB, 14pp) | | 2013 |
| Summary of WERF Methane and Biogas-CHP-Related Research (PDF, 2.1 MB, 36pp) | | 2013 |
| Tapping into the Transportation Fuel Market (PDF, 4.4 MB, 41pp) | | 2013 |
| Technology Session: Innovation and Adaptation of Technology for Cost-Effective Use of CMM and AMM (PDF, 552.1 KB, 3pp) | | 2013 |
| The Collection of Biogas Utilization Data in the United States (PDF, 1.3 MB, 24pp) | | 2013 |
| Ukranian Energetics, Turning Challenges into Opportunity (PDF, 650.4 KB, 8pp) | | 2013 |
| United States Country Update (March 2013) (PDF, 330.8 KB, 14pp) | | 2013 |
| VAMOX® Projects at Walter Energy's U.S. Coal Mines (PDF, 3.7 MB, 32pp) | | 2013 |
| Wastewater Biogas for Town Gas Manufacture & Upgrade to Natural Gas Quality: A Chilean Experience (PDF, 2.3 MB, 25pp) | | 2013 |
| Welcome and City Perspective on Climate Change (PDF, 1.7 MB, 18pp) | | 2013 |
| Adding Social Benefits to International Landfill Gas Development Projects (PDF, 10.7 MB, 43pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| An Approach for Energy Recovery from Sewage Sludge Using a Steel Plate Digestion Tank (PDF, 2.8 MB, 29pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Bio-Cancun: Organic Waste to Energy Project in Mexico (PDF, 5.3 MB, 27pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| CMM Utilization Business Models after the Kyoto Protocol (PDF, 354.7 KB, 18pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Coal Mine Safety Project - Mei Kuang An Quan (PDF, 3.3 MB, 22pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Co-digestion for Methane Capture and Use: Optimization for Backyard and Small Commercial Livestock Operations (PDF, 1.5 MB, 28pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Colombia's Proposed Organic Waste NAMA (PDF, 707.5 KB, 21pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Current Status, Issues and Prospects of CMM Recovery and Utilization in Henan Province, China (PDF, 1.6 MB, 17pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Development of a 'Design Assurance Process' and the First Safe Direct Coupling of a Commercial Scale RTO to a Working Coal Mine Ventilation Fan (PDF, 2.4 MB, 29pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Development of CMM in India: Opportunities & Challenges (PDF, 1 MB, 26pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Directional CBM Drillings Ahead of Mining - New Chance for Reduction of CMM Emissions in Poland (PDF, 3.7 MB, 31pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Energizing the Electricity Market for Methane (PDF, 552.9 KB, 27pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Methane Capture and Use Potential from Palm Oil Mills in Indonesia (PDF, 1.6 MB, 25pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Methane Finance Study Group (PDF, 782.5 KB, 12pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Methane Gas Drainage in Khe Cham Coal Mine and Forecast of Developing Potential of Gas Drainage at Underground Coal Mines in Quang Ninh Coal Basin Vietnam (PDF, 2.7 MB, 23pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Methane in Abandoned Coal Mines in China - An Unexploited Resource (PDF, 2 MB, 29pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Mexico's Proposed Solid Waste NAMA (PDF, 112.9 KB, 12pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Power and Heat Cogeneration to Utilize Coal Mine Methane in Ukraine (PDF, 1.6 MB, 18pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Preliminary Assessment of Methane Recovery from Sealed Off Areas of Moonidih Mine, India (PDF, 1.3 MB, 25pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Preliminary Deflagration and Venting Study for VAM RAB® (PDF, 2.6 MB, 19pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Prospect of the Utilization of CMM with Low Concentration in China (PDF, 1.2 MB, 26pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Reduction of GHG Emissions Through Innovation and Development of Transforming Technologies (PDF, 1.1 MB, 31pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| The First Anaerobic Digester for Agriculture in British Columbia: My 8-Year Journey (PDF, 1.4 MB, 8pp) | Presentations | 2013 |
| Coal Mines Subcommittee: March 2013 Canada Meeting (PDF, 150.6 KB, 18pp) | Proceedings | 2013 |
| Final meeting minutes of the 14th Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting (PDF, 102.9 KB, 9pp) | Proceedings | 2013 |
| Wastewater Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: March 2013 Canada Meeting (PDF, 106.4 KB, 9pp) | Proceedings | 2013 |
| Best Practices to Select Internal Combustion Engines and Maximize the Economic Benefits of Converting Methane to Electricity (PDF, 672.1 KB, 20pp) | Thursday Session | 2013 |