
Wastewater Task Force Meeting

List of Events

Date11–12 November 2010
Location: Sant’Elena Hotel, Venice, Italy
Industry Sector: Agriculture, Municipal Solid Waste
On November 11 and 12 the Wastewater Task Force meet in conjunction with the Landfill and Agriculture Subcommittees meetings in Venice, Italy. At this meeting we discussed the outcomes from the Ministerial Meeting in October and the future direction of the Partnership.

The meeting was held in conjunction with the 3rd International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, which was held on 8-11 November at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice. More information about the Symposium can be found online at: Exiting GMI

Agenda: Preliminary agenda (PDF, 4 pp, 60 KB)

Meeting Minutes: Final Meeting Minutes (PDF, 13 pp, 67 KB)

• Wastewater Sector Overview (PDF, 12 pp, 74 KB)
• Perspectives from Brazil (PDF, 52 pp, 3.6 MB)
• Perspectives from the European Union (PDF, 54 pp, 3.4 MB)

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
WastewaterWastewater Sector Overview (November 2010)
(PDF, 74.9 KB, 12pp)
PerspectivesPerspectives from Brazil
(PDF, 3.8 MB, 52pp)
Agriculture ThumbnailPerspectives from the European Union
(PDF, 3.6 MB, 54pp)
WastewaterWastewater Task Force Meeting Agenda
(PDF, 58.2 KB, 4pp)
WastewaterWastewater Task Force Meeting Minutes
(PDF, 84.7 KB, 13pp)