Coal Mines

Coal Mines Methane to Markets Regional Workshop

List of Events

Date2 December 2005
Location: Beijing, China
Industry Sector: Coal Mines
The Methane to Markets Regional Coal Workshop was held in conjunction with a CBM/CMM Symposium in Beijing, China. This workshop focused on identification and quantification of coalbed methane emissions and cost-effective technologies and techniques to reduce said emissions. Presentations included actual methane emissions identification and quantification activities and case studies and most importantly, proven cost-effective technologies and techniques to reduce these emissions.

Hosted by: The Australian Greenhouse Office, U.S. EPA, Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), and the China Coal Information Institute.

Agenda: Annotated Draft Agenda (PDF, 4 pp, 89 KB)

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
CoalCoal Mines Methane to Markets Regional Workshop Agenda
(PDF, 117.6 KB, 4pp)