• How to convert a Landfill into an Energy Cluster - A Case Study from Juarez Mexico (PDF, 47 pp, 4.5 MB)
Robert Langlois and Ing. Daniel Galvan, Smart Soil Technology
• Using Landfill Biogas to fuel a Pyrolytic Furnace for Medical Waste in Argentina (PDF, 30 pp, 2.5 MB)
Estela Santalla, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
• Landfill Biogas Recovery at Aguascalientes, Monterrey and León Landfills (PDF, 21 pp, 386 KB)
José Padilla Olvera, SIMEPRODE
• Managing Leachate to Achieve Project Success at Gonzalez Catan Landfill in Argentina (PDF, 30 pp, 2.5 MB)
Duncan Miller, CRA World
• SEMARNAT - Recovery and Use of Methane as a Clean Energy Source (PDF, 9 pp, 110 KB)
Cesar Chavez, SEMARNAT
• Landfill Gas Modeling Panel on LMOP Mexico and China Models
Alex Stege (PDF, 30 pp, 2.3 MB), SCS Engineers and Bryce Lloyd (PDF, 30 pp, 2.3 MB), OWT