
Exploit the full WWTP potential: Digester Optimization & Biogas Utilization

List of Events

Date28 September 2020
Location: Virtual
Industry Sector: Biogas
Water Resource Recovery Facility operators, as they update their existing plants, have a great opportunity to look into the optimization potential of their digester and biogas infrastructure – i.e., generate additional energy and tipping fee revenue from intake of food waste, and be a positive force in addressing climate change through innovative solutions and technologies.

The Danish Wastewater sector has undergone a huge transition over the last 25 years. Today, the Danish sector is widely recognized as a global frontrunner known for data-driven automation, resource efficiency and recovery, biogas utilization, and advanced sensor-based biological treatment strategies.

Guest speaker Greg Kester, Director of Renewable Resource Programs at CASA, will provide an overview of the unexploited opportunities and challenges of co-digestion and biogas at Wastewater Reclamation Facilities.

Consulate General of Denmark is hosting the virtual event from 15:00-17:00 UTC on 28 September 2020. This event is a part of Chicago Water Week.

The event is free to attend. Click here to register and view a preliminary agenda.