Coal Mines

Mongolia Coal Mine Methane Recovery and Utilization Workshop

List of Events

Date18 June 2014
Location: Ministry of Mining, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Industry Sector: Coal Mines
This workshop featured a roundtable technical and policy discussion with representatives from the Mongolian coal mine industry. The workshop also reviewed recently completed technical support Mongolia has received from the Global Methane Initiative and presented the lessons learned for developing a successful CMM project.


  • The Mineral Resource Authority's (MRA) Initiative on Coal Seam Methane Gas (PDF, 20pp, 5.4MB)
  • Mongolia's Coal Mine Methane Gas Resource Valuation and Gas Discharge Calculation (PDF, 26pp, 4.9MB)
  • Electricity Supply of Naryn Sukhait Coal Mine Using Coal Bed Methane (PDF, 20pp, 7.9MB)
  • Legal and Regulatory Status of CMM Ownership in Key Countries (PDF, 24pp, 5.4MB)
  • Financing CMM in Mongolia: Feasibility (PDF, 4 pp, 6.4MB)
  • Utilization of Coal Mine Methane Gas and the Needs (PDF, 52pp, 11.9MB)
  • Comparison and Discussion of USEPA/GMI Feasibility and Prefeasibility Studies: Songzao, Naryn Sukhait, and Baganuur (PDF, 30pp, 3.7MB)
  • USEPA and the Global Methane Initiative in Mongolia and the Region (PDF, 17pp, 1.6MB)
  • CSMG Ownership, Future and Development (PDF, 16pp, 3.7MB)
  • Some Studies on Mongolia's Coal Mine Methane Gas Composition, Emission and Gas Resource Valuation Summary (PDF, 38pp, 11.5MB)
  • New Opportunities of Clean-Efficient Energy (PDF, 9pp, 2.22MB)

Organized By: Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium


Agenda: Download Agenda (PDF, 1pp, 329K)