Oil and Gas

Oil and Natural Gas Technology Transfer Workshop and Plant Tour

List of Events

Date25–26 April 2006
Location: Camino Real Hotel, Villahermosa, Mexico
Organizer: Pemex
Industry Sector: Oil and Gas
This workshop explained proven economic means to reduce methane emissions from oil and natural gas operations. For additional information about the meeting and the site tour, please see the attached flyer in English (PDF, 2 pp, 219 KB) or Spanish (PDF, 2 pp, 222 KB).

This meeting was held in conjunction with the Methane to Markets Oil and Gas Subcommittee meeting on 27 April 2006.

• Methane to Markets Partnership English (PDF, 9 pp, 128 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 9 pp, 106 KB)
Erin Birgfeld, USEPA
• Cardenas General Pipeline Superintendence English (PDF, 8 pp, 439 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 8 pp, 448 KB)
• Detection and Assessment of Organic Compound Fugitive Emissions from Surface Installations at the Cardenas Sector English (PDF, 13 pp, 3.3 MB) | Spanish (PDF, 13 pp, 3.2 MB)
• Methane Emissions Reduction from Compressors English (PDF, 20 pp, 1.1 MB) | Spanish (PDF, 20 pp, 1.1 MB)
• Iride and Samaria II Battery Optimization, Vapor Reduction English (PDF, 19 pp, 2 MB) | Spanish (PDF, 19 pp, 4.1 MB)
• Opportunities for Methane Emissions Reductions in Natural Gas ProductionEnglish (PDF, 16 pp, 326 KB) |Spanish (PDF, 16 pp, 304 KB)
Earl Gremillion, ICF Consulting
• Reducing Methane Emissions with Vapor Recovery on Storage Tanks English (PDF, 18 pp, 1.5 MB) | Spanish (PDF, 18 pp, 1.5 MB)
Larry Richards, Hy-Bon Engineering
• Ecuador Oil and Gas System Methane Reduction Project Update English (PDF, 10 pp, 113 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 10 pp, 128 KB)
Fernando Mogollon, Ministry of the Environment, Ecuador
Directed Inspection & Maintenance and Infrared Leak Imaging
Roger Fernandez, USEPA English (PDF, 6 pp, 137 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 6 pp, 125 KB)
Dan Brake, ITT ANGEL Services English (PDF, 11 pp, 763 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 11 pp, 817 KB)
Don Furry, Leak Surveys, Inc. English (PDF, 3 pp, 190 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 3 pp, 277 KB)

Processing Best Practices
Don Robinson, ICF Consulting English (PDF, 12 pp, 143 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 12 p, 127 KB)
Jamie Swallow, Sulphur Experts English (PDF, 8 pp, 245 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 8 pp, 224 KB)
• Compressor Best Practices English (PDF, 10 pp, 306 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 10 pp, 284 KB)
Don Robinson, ICF Consulting
• Pipeline Maintenance and Repair English (PDF, 10 pp, 269 KB) | Spanish (PDF, 10 pp, 234 KB) Earl Gremillion, ICF Consulting

Event Resources

Resource ImageResourceYear
AhorrosAhorros de metano en compresores (Spanish)
(PDF, 290.3 KB, 10pp)
AsociaciónAsociación público-privada para avanzar la recuperación y el uso del metano como una fuente limpia de energía (Spanish)
(PDF, 108.5 KB, 9pp)
AuditoríasAuditorías de Energía (Spanish)
(PDF, 229 KB, 8pp)
CardenasCardenas General Pipeline Superintendence (Spanish)
(PDF, 458.5 KB, 8pp)
DetecciónDetección y medición de emisiones fugaces utilizando el sistema de Lidar* de Absorción Diferencial Aérea (DIAL) (Spanish)
(PDF, 835.7 KB, 11pp)
DetectionDetection and Assessment of Organic Compound Fugitive Emissions from Surface Installations at the Cardenas Sector
(PDF, 3.4 MB, 13pp)
DetectionDetection and Assessment of Organic Compound Fugitive Emissions from Surface Installations at the Cardenas Sector (Spanish)
(PDF, 3.3 MB, 13pp)
EcuadorEcuador Oil and Gas System Methane Reduction Project Update
(PDF, 115.1 KB, 10pp)
EcuadorEcuador Oil and Gas System Methane Reduction Project Update (Spanish)
(PDF, 130.8 KB, 10pp)
ElEl Halcón Tecnología Tecnología del Mañana Hoy (Spanish)
(PDF, 283 KB, 3pp)
InspecciónInspección y mantenimiento dirigido e imágenes ópticas de fugas (Spanish)
(PDF, 127.8 KB, 6pp)
IrideIride and Samaria II Battery Optimization, Vapor Reduction
(PDF, 2.1 MB, 19pp)
MantenimientoMantenimiento y reparación de tuberías (2006, Spanish)
(PDF, 239.2 KB, 10pp)
MejoresMejores prácticas de procesamiento (Spanish)
(PDF, 130 KB, 12pp)
MethaneMethane Emissions Reduction from Compressors
(PDF, 1.1 MB, 20pp)
MethaneMethane Emissions Reduction from Compressors (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.1 MB, 20pp)
MethaneMethane to Markets Partnership (2006)
(PDF, 130.9 KB, 9pp)
OilOil and Natural Gas Technology Transfer Workshop and Plant Tour
(PDF, 223.6 KB, 2pp)
OilOil and Natural Gas Technology Transfer Workshop and Plant Tour (Spanish)
(PDF, 226.8 KB, 2pp)
OportunidadesOportunidades para la reducción de emisiones de metano en la producción de gas natural (2005, Spanish)
(PDF, 2.8 MB, 35pp)
OportunidadesOportunidades para la reducción de emisiones de metano en la producción de gas natural (2006, Spanish)
(PDF, 311.1 KB, 16pp)
OptimizaciónOptimización baterías Iride y Samaria II, reducción de vapores (Spanish)
(PDF, 4.3 MB, 19pp)
ReducciónReducción de emisiones de metano mediante la recuperación de vapor en tanques de almacenamiento (Spanish)
(PDF, 1.5 MB, 18pp)
ReducingReducing Methane Emissions with Vapor Recovery on Storage Tanks (2006)
(PDF, 1.5 MB, 18pp)
CardenasCardenas General Pipeline Superintendence
(PDF, 448.7 KB, 8pp)
CompressorCompressor Best Practices (Spanish)
(PDF, 313.1 KB, 10pp)
DetectionDetection and Measurement of Fugitive Emissions Using Airborne Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL)
(PDF, 780.7 KB, 11pp)
DirectedDirected Inspection & Maintenance and Leak Imaging
(PDF, 139.4 KB, 6pp)
EnergyEnergy Audits
(PDF, 250.3 KB, 8pp)
OpportunitiesOpportunities for Methane Emissions Reductions in Natural Gas Production (2005, Spanish)
(PDF, 2.8 MB, 35pp)
OpportunitiesOpportunities for Methane Emissions Reductions in Natural Gas Production (2006, Spanish)
(PDF, 332.9 KB, 16pp)
PipelinePipeline Maintenance and Repair (2006)
(PDF, 275.3 KB, 10pp)
ProcessingProcessing Best Practices
(PDF, 146.1 KB, 12pp)
TheThe Hark: Tomorrow's Technology Today
(PDF, 194.1 KB, 3pp)