. Admin | New Resource

GMI Admin

Resource Form

Resource Information

Indicates whether this tool or resource is "public" and findable on the GMI.org website. Choose "Final" for any resource that should be made public. All others should be "Draft".
Maximum length: 255 characters, including spaces.

The name of the author or agency. Maximum length: 255 characters, including spaces.

Used on Event and Proceedings pages when a short title, such as "Agenda", will be well understood from the context. Maximum length: 255 characters, including spaces.

Used on Event and Proceedings pages when a group of resources should be kept together under a subtitle, such as a breakout session name. Maximum length: 30 characters, including spaces.
Select the applicable sectors and/or technical group. Enables search for resources by sector and inclusion of this resource on the related sector page.

Select all applicable countries. Enables search for resources by country and inclusion of this resource on the related country page.

Select primary language for this resource. Enables search for resources by language and inclusion of this resource on the related language page.


Populates based on sector choice. Select only one. Enables search for resources by event and inclusion of this resource on the related event page.

File Information

For written documents, enter the total number of pages. Leave blank for web pages, videos, images, or other non-written material.

Choose the option that best describes the content of this resource.


Provide keywords or a brief summary about the file to enable searching by keyword.
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Select all applicable topics.

Resource Type


The following information is required for this type of file:


Related Resources

Additional resources can be added that are related to this file or document. Some examples of related resources:

  • A user's guide for a tool or calculator (add the tool/calculator as the main resource)
  • Appendices (add the main body of the report or document first as the main resource)
  • Ancillary materials or information
In each case, please add the main or primary document or file as a resource, then click "Save and Add Related Resources" to add a Related Resource.


File Tips

  • Please keep file names as unique as possible. Avoid using spaces and use CapitalLetters to separate words.
  • Try to use the same filename for thumbnail images
  • Thumbnails for resources viewed in landscape (PowerPoint slides saved as PPTs or PDFs) should as closly as possible use a 13:7 aspect ratio. You can save the below image as a template
  • Thumbnails for resources viewed in portrait (PDF documents) should as closely as possible use a 24:31 aspect ratio. You can save the below image as a template