Landfill Operations Workshop

Municipal Solid Waste

27 October 2009

Location: Fortaleza, Brazil

Event Details: This workshop was organized by EPA with the support of the Secretariat of Cities, the Secretariat of Infrastructure of the State of Ceara and Banco do Nordeste. The goal of the workshop was to present basic landfill operations and maintenance training with the expectation that improved landfill management practices will lead to better candidate landfills for LFGE projects, while also providing conditions for improved waste management at the local level. Approximately 50 landfill technicians and state and local government officials attended the one-day event.

Current Situation of the Solid Waste Disposal Services in the State of Ceara - Edmundo Olinda Filho, Secretaria das Cidades (Portuguese) (PDF, 5 pp, 341 KB)
Local and Regional Landfill Gas Sector Regulations - Eng. Fernando Sergio Studart Leitão, Secretaria das Cidades (Portuguese) (PDF, 5 pp, 111 KB)
Methane to Markets Partnership - Chris Godlove, US EPA LMOP (Portuguese) (PDF, 4 pp, 196 KB)
Conceptual Framework of Urban Solid Waste Disposal - Carlos Silva Filho, ABRELPE (Portuguese) (PDF, 8 pp, 511 KB)
E Landfill Basics - Jim Michelsen, SCS Engineers (Portuguese) (PDF, 4 pp, 245 KB)
Landfill Operations: Working Face Management - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese) (PDF, 9 pp, 922 KB)
Cover Materials - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese) (PDF, 2 pp, 172 KB)
Operational Aspects with Environmental Impact: Storm water and Leachate Control - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese) (PDF, 12 pp, 835 KB)
Waste Screening/Inspection - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese) (PDF, 3 pp, 173 KB)
Landfill Fires - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese) (PDF, 6 pp, 343 KB)
Health and Safety - SCS Engineers (Portuguese) (PDF, 9 pp, 492 KB)
Landfill Gas Basics - Jim Michelsen, SCS Engineers (Portuguese) (PDF, 6 pp, 344 KB)
Training of Scavengers in the City of Fortaleza - Luis Massilon, IDER (Portuguese) (PDF, 9 pp, 550 KB)

Industry Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

Event Resources

Methane to Markets Partnership (Portuguese)
(PDF, 201 KB, 4pp)
Conceitos Básicos sobre Aterros Sanitarios (Portuguese)
(PDF, 250.7 KB, 4pp)
Conceptual Framework of Urban Solid Waste Disposal (Portuguese)
(PDF, 503 KB, 8pp)
Cover Materials - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese)
(PDF, 175.3 KB, 2pp)
Current Situation of the Solid Waste Disposal Services in the State of Ceara (Portuguese)
(PDF, 348.3 KB, 5pp)
Landfill Fires - Norm Wietting, SRW (Portuguese)
(PDF, 994.7 KB, 6pp)
Landfill Gas Basics - Jim Michelsen, SCS Engineers (Portuguese)
(PDF, 351.7 KB, 6pp)
Landfill Operations: Working Face Management (Portuguese)
(PDF, 943.2 KB, 9pp)
Local and Regional Landfill Gas Sector Regulations (Portuguese)
(PDF, 113.6 KB, 5pp)
Operational Aspects with Environmental Impact: Storm water and LeachateControl (Portuguese)
(PDF, 854.1 KB, 12pp)
Situação e Arcabouço Conceitual da Disposição de RSU (Portuguese)
(PDF, 522.4 KB, 9pp)
Training of Scavengers in the City of Fortaleza (Portuguese)
(PDF, 563.6 KB, 9pp)
Waste Screening/Inspection (Portuguese)
(PDF, 176.2 KB, 3pp)

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